MovieChat Forums > Wing Commander (1999) Discussion > Why the hate towards this movie?

Why the hate towards this movie?

I thought it was a great sci-fi movie! I never played the videogames, so I don't know if its loyal to them, but as a movie itself is dark, stylish, lots of space battles, and pretty good CGI. The story its what it is, but the actors pulled it pretty well I think. To me this movie is far superior to Star Wars Episode 1.
I regret that I never saw it on the big screen



There's a number of differences between the games and the movie

(i). James 'Paladin' Taggart was Scottish in the games

(ii). Jean 'Angel' Devereaux was Belgium in the games

(iii). The Skipper missiles first appeared in Wing Commander III, which was set in 2669 (and are stated as being new), whereas the movie is set in 2654

(iv). The carrier is called TCS Tiger's Claw in the games, not TCS Tiger Claw

(v). Confed pilots use a rank system similar to that of the USAF, but in the movie some use naval terms, like Angel. She shouldn't be a Lieutenant Commander but a Major, although in 2654 Angel was just a Captain (one grade below Major)

Terran Confederation Space Forces (Air Force)

Second Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Colonel
Brigadier General
Lieutenant General
Major General

Terran Confederation Navy

Lieutenant Junior Grade
Lieutenant Commander
Rear Admiral
Vice Admiral
Space Marshal

(vi). in 2654 both Christopher Blair and Todd 'Maniac' Marshall were Second Lieutenants, not First Lieutenants

(vii). In the movie there is only one fighter type on the Tiger Claw, the Rapier. But in the game the Tiger's Claw also carries, Hornets (mention in the movie as being a training craft at the Academy), Scimitars and Raptors

(viii). In the games Hunter was a callsign not a surname as it seems to be in the movie

(ix). The Kilrathi look stupid in the movie whereas they look cool in the games een001.jpg - Kilrathi from WC III



Dude...Seriously. Get a life



Hey it's not my fault I a good memory for useless information

You more or less asked if it was loyal to the games, so I told you what had been changed

I actually like the moive, although I view it as an alternate universe version of the games



That's allright man, I was just joking...I remember a load of useless informations from star trek LOL

But I really hope that the fans of the game didn't hated it just for the reasons you mentioned above...If that's the case, then I think they have serious problems O_o



i just thought it was the most boring movie evvver


Dude, i you have stoped your suffering by now.


It had so much potential that it angers me because of the poor result. They should have stick to original WC4 characters like Mark Hamill (as "Wing Commander"), Malcom McDowell, John-Thys Davies and Thomas F. Wilson (as Maniac). Instead, casting was awful including some annoying feminist bitch. The combined cutscenes of WC4 are 100x better than this crap of cinema.



It had so much potential that it angers me because of the poor result. They should have stick to original WC4 characters like Mark Hamill (as "Wing Commander"), Malcom McDowell, John-Thys Davies and Thomas F. Wilson (as Maniac). Instead, casting was awful including some annoying feminist bitch. The combined cutscenes of WC4 are 100x better than this crap of cinema.

The biggest strength of the games always was that the cutscenes from WC3 onwards were actually resonably good movies with a first-rate cast.
They really should have built on that for this movie.

"Any plan that involves losing your hat is a BAD plan.""


Never played the game so I don't care if it's a faithful adaptation or not, but the script and characters are absolutely terrible.

The crew of the Tiger Claw must be the worst fictional military personel I've seen in movies. No discipline, no respect for the superior officer, the deck crew are slackers. What kind of military training did these people get? The BSG crew would easily wipe the floor with them.

And this whole thing about pretending the dead ones never exist? That is just so stupid. Seriously, I really don't understand the thought process of the writers to come up with something like that. They're at war. People dies in war. You get used to it.


That's funny you say that about "Star Wars". The only reason I went to see this was for the "Episode: 1" trailer before the movie. Lucky this movie ended up being pretty bad-@$$ IMO.


I could get over it if it were just simple inconsistencies with the game. I mean comic book movies are always really inconsistent with their source material but it doesn't matter if they're good movies.

Wing Commander is just a so-so movie though. The problem with it isn't that it's inconsistent but that its source material is so much better that it's disappointing. The movie seems like a mess of things that Chris Roberts really likes: WWII, Star Wars, submarine battles, Top Gun, Starship Troopers. On top of this it's a teen coming-of-age tale. It has a serious identity crisis.

The plot is weak and seriously anti-climactic. I'm not sure if the traitor subplot that was cut would have saved it or not.

The actors are for the most part pretty awful. There are a few decent performances here and there but they're overshadowed by the poor ones.

The scientific inaccuracies are more serious than the average sci-fi movie, or at the very least more overt and noticeable and really hurt the suspension of disbelief.

The musical score is amazing at least.


Because it isn't as good as 2001: A Space Odyssey.


i never played the games and thought this sucked! i had no idea what was going on, you only see the bad guys after over an hour of watching the movie, i felt nothing for the characters. the only thing kind of ok were the SFX


Totally agree OP! I know these avid gaming nut fans will beg to differ and I like you have never played the games, but as a general Sci-Fi flick I thought it stood on it's own quite well. I liked this film very much despite it's "flaws"
