Sexual Violence?!

what exactly does that mean?

Hail to the king Baby!
Y'all Go Make me lose my mind!


Rape, dude. Sexual violence is a nice word (or euphemism) for rape.

Applesauce, bitch!


* Spoiler *






One of the big problems people had with this game when it first came out was a particular scene in which Don (the main character's husband) forces himself on Adrienne. He's posesssed by a demon with a long history of killing his host body's wives at the time,'s not like it was incidental or just thrown in, but it's still classified as rape.

For the curious, the rape scene is not long and drawn out, nor is it particularly graphic. In fact, the scene is basically a short struggle with an instance of groping, then fades to black. I'm sure it would strike a chord with a lot of folks, but your average gamer would have said then (and certainly now) "What's the big deal?"


And if you happen to play in censored mode then it's even less obvious, the whole thing is blurred out with minor screaming and struggling noises!

What I don't get is the big hype over games with scenes like that or with heavy violence. It even has an M sticker on it. If you don't like it, don't buy it, don't let your kids play it...problem solved!


The only parents that bitch about it are the ones that are too lazy to keep track of what their kids are getting into. The excuse is always "well, it's a video game, eventually the kids will get their hands on it no matter what and" blah blah blah.

Brilliant parents, when I was a kid I also got my hands on porno, liquor, and guns when you weren't looking. I guess we should ban all of that too, huh?

Get off your lazy asses and supervise your children. Quit expecting society to babysit them while you're busy being selfish. YOU had the kids, they're YOUR responsibility. Not mine, my neighbors, your neighbors, or the video game industry.

Rant over.


I think the whole thing looks worse when blurred... Like an X-rated movie or something...
At least I thought so, when I was 10...



The rape scene is unbelievably tame compared to the organ buffet scene...

[R.Kelly sings] I said, "Bitch!" She said, "shut up."

