Am I the only one who thinks that the '90s episode were bad?
I recently found this cartoon, and I reminded myself how great it was. The stories were great, the characters were funny and likeable. And then I was dissaponted with the '90's episode (I don't know which season was that) and with how big downfall was it. I mean, they added new characters who stole the spotlight from the oldtime favorites, they changed the entire concept of the show - I mean, the 1st season showed Raccoon gang as the rebels against Cyril Sneer the tyrant. And then later, the show kinda lost that aspect, which was bad. The plots were not as good as the old ones, the new ones were way more immature, unlike the 1st season which had a dose of suspence and action. And probably the most important thing - Cyril Sneer and the pigs, weren't that bad, as they were before. I loved those guys as some of the best villains I saw in some cartoon, and they became, ughhh, good...What gives?
That was preety long, huh? My point is, does anyone else think this way, or am I the only one?