I liked the song too, when I first saw the video for it back in 1989. Since then, I've taken a listen at the end credits every time the show came on. It stopped airing on CBC quite a while back! When Lisa Lougheed came out with her album in 1992, I had requested the video for "Run With Us" on "Video Hits" when it was still airing back in 1992. Although Lisa's sound was a little more 90's, I still think her sound was a lot more captivating from that of the very 80's "Run With Us". I miss it, and I would listen to over again if I could!
Several years ago, i took part in summer rock camp where i played keyboards, sax and sang. It was a good time. Had a lot of fun. After it was over, some guys from one the other bands at the camp (they divide us into several separate bands who all work on their own songs independently) approaached me and asked if wanted to play some sax with them for a public performance unrelated to the camp they'd be doing soon. I agreed. Their songs were pretty funky so i found it easy to add sax parts in that worked. We only had to rehearse a few times together before everything gelled. So we had one last rehearsal the morning of the gig (we'd be playing on a stage downtown where a street had been closed off to traffic for the week so stores can have sidewalk sales - it happens one week out of the summer every year here. It's called "Action Week" and it's pretty lame.) Lots of lame bands would be playing on that stage besides us. We were set to play at noon. Anyway, just before packing up our stuff to drive to the gig, the other guys in the band all starting playing this song with a really familiar baseline. It was Run With Us! I pointed this out and they laughed and told me about how they just sort of learned to play it one day without really trying. They'd been playing it a lot lately just for fun. I told them I'd be prepare to sing it if we played it downtown. So they said ok. I knew most of the words but very quickly located them on the internet and printed them off. So we played a pretty good set of our funky, new-wavey tunes. Mike, the bassist, then stepped up to his Mic (there were some rare moments of vocals in the previous songs, as performed by Mike) and he told the audience that they were "in for a treat". "Nostalgia, comin'at ya!" or something like that. I took centre stage and we launched int0 Run With Us. The crowd reaction was great. Sure, there were some kids there too young to know the show but the majority of the people there defintely remembered the song. Mike backed me up on the "run with us" parts in the chorus and i even took a sax solo after the bridge - something i hadn't planned on doing. We ended with a lot of fanfare with some crazy drums and chord shredding. The applause was immense. Far beyond anything you'd expect at such a lame venue. I mean the bands there are just a bunch of nobodies who play whatever they've got while people mill around and shop (there are seats but most people only sat to watch people they knew - we filled them by our finalé) It was one of the most fun things ive ever experienced in my life. Someone might call that just sad. They just dont know.
"Run with us" is a good song. But my absolute favourite is ALL LIFE LONG! Omigod! It's the BEST! All the songs are on this site http://www.gilsinan.com/raccoons/songs/
~*~*Draco Malfoy, the amazing bouncing ferret!!!~*~*
My favorite is Hold Back Tomorrow, it sort of reminds me of the faster paced Belinda Carlisle songs. And personally I liked the original version of Run With Us, the one sung by Steve Lunt, better than Lisa Lougheed's. Maybe just for reasons of originality though, heh.
it's been years since i've seen the racoons, but did they reuse run with us in the middle of every episode in a montage sequence? pretty good song too if i rememeber correctly.
Yeah, i agree "run with us" is brilliant, i used to watch the Raccoons years ago when i was a kid! Brings back some great memories. When people watched the raccoons programme on saturday mornings, the song was so popular that people wrote into the TV studio and ask the announcers not to talk over the end credits so they could hear the song!!! I downloaded it last week and cant stop listening to it!!
Run With Us is fantastic, I love it. If you want it, Limewire has it easily avaliable. ;-)
I love Lisa Lougheed. She's a great singer and it's such a shame she never got very well known. I have her two albums, "World Love" and "Peace + Harmony" and she's got some good early 1990s dance stuff on both. You can find these albums on CD on eBay from time to time.
Thanks for this i just downloaded it!!! i've loved the song since i was a kid (born Dec 1984) it reminds me waking up really early to watch sat morning kids shows when they were decent!! god i miss the early 90's!! run with us was a awesome song i remember going nuts if my brother turned the channel over while it was on