need names of songs

does anyone know the names of the english opening and closing songs?


No....only know it in Japanese...Try to look it up in Google or somewhere you can think of.....


I'm pretty sure these are the right names. The opening song is "My Heart Throbbing Chest" by the High Lows, and the closing song is "Step by Step" by Ziggy.


The opening is called Truth and the ending is Step by Step.


you can find the japanese mp3s here:
and the english mp3s here:
and the FUNimation lyrics here:

The japanese/english first opening theme song is called "Mune Ga doki doki" by the High-Lows ... I have no idea how that translates into english.
Though the english version by FUNimation of the lyrics is a bit different than the japanese version, but it still retains most of the essence.

while the first ending theme song is called "step by step" by Ziggy. Same thing here, FUNimation's translation of the song is a bit different, but it's still about the same.

Hayden Christensen is simply gorgeous
Harry Potter Rules the World!
