did it get?


the last episode i saw was with conans rival detective guy(can't remember name)
and he accidentaly gives conan(SPOILERS)

wine or beer of some sort and goes back to an adult, and in part to he becomes a kid again. after that the series just stops and returns to the beginning, were the final episodes only released in japan or were they never made, or did the station i watched just no show them?

Bian:If I remember correctly this is the physics department.
Chris:That explains all the gravity


No that is the station. If you want to watch episodes past that you will have to buy/rent the DVDs.


Yeah, they got the first batch of episodes in one set, and plenty others along the way.

Though TV-wise it was cancelled, but it may show up on Funimation Channel's syndaction block coming up some time soon.


Yea, the show is a big hit in Japan. Its still going strong and is 400+ episodes. Lets hope either the Funimation channel or AS shows it. If the funimation channel starts up, they will show it, they say it on their site already.

"One who knows nothing, can understand nothing..."- Ansem
