
Okay, what's the deal? I read something in an anime mag about the first season eps. being released and then they jumped ahead and started releasing the FOURTH season! Are the eps. on the DVDs even in order? What gives? Are there even any boxed sets?

"Remember what this world is made of: 'LOVE & PEACE!!!'" ^_^ --"Trigun"



So they really ARE screwing us! Ha! Just as I suspected!

"Remember what this world is made of: 'LOVE & PEACE!!!'" ^_^ --"Trigun"




I know it's corny and far-fetched and all, but I am totally addicted to this show! I was really disappointed to hear that Adult Swim would not be airing any more episodes, so the DVDs are my only hope!

"Remember what this world is made of: 'LOVE & PEACE!!!'" ^_^ --"Trigun"

