Best scene(s)?

which was in your opinion the best scenes.

i have a few from memory:

The scene were young Merlin sees the boat that will take him away from his aunte and to his destiny.

The scene were young Merlin turns into older Merlin sat by his aunties grave.

Were Frik convinces young Morgan to put the stone in the babys crib and turns into the hot-frik.

The first scene of the 2nd part were the camera follows a flower seed floating around the garden whilst Merlin is talking to Nimuwe (sp?)

The scene were Merlin meets Galahad and he says there arent any wizards left.

The final scene of Morgan were Frik tells her shes beautiful beyond words.

When everyone turns away from Mab and she disapears.

The last scene were Merlin realises Friks been there all along until the end.



I loved when Merlin was talking to Nimue about the magic in hands. When he held the moon, it was beautiful.

I liked the start when Mab & Frik were teaching Merlin about becoming a wizard. I wish we were shown more.

The part when Arthur & Mordred stab eachother. I loved them both. It was really sad for me.
