Why didn't Karla die?

I went to see this when it came out in 1998 and all the way through i was waiting for Karla to get killed, and she came close a few times! How come she survived - it's not like they brought her back for a sequel. She could have had an epic SMG style death scene.


Originally, Karla was supposed to die instead of Nancy but the changed it.


I was hoping those flying shoes from the dryer would do her in, but alas it was not to be, and we then had to endure her jaw-dropping stupidity for the entire movie.


I always thought that (at the time) Brandy was more popular in '98 than SMG was in '97.

Buffy would've just been in its 1st season in '97 while Brandy had Moesha in its 3rd second & Brandy had her 2nd album in '98. Maybe they figured audiences would be rooting for Brandy's character just as much as they would for the returning characters?

That's what I always figured, because usually, the new bff/roommate in horror movies always die lol.

You're the girl for me Brooke Davis & Its you Peyton, its always been you.




I was so surprised that she didn't die, I thought it was obvious she would eventually from the second she appeared on the screen. She had so many close shaves and after each one I kept thinking "Oh she'll just die in the next scene" but clearly not.

I'm glad she survived though, it was a nice change. It also made the movie slightly less predictable.


Probably because Brandy and her agent didn't want her to.
