MovieChat Forums > The Royle Family (1998) Discussion > The writers made their own Christmas tur...

The writers made their own Christmas turkey!

What a shame. I was really looking forward to this and hoped that after the last Christmas special (which was a bit wobbly) that it would be back on form, but alas no...

For a start the writers took huge liberties. For his own reasons Ralf Little seems to have steered well clear of this, so no Antony, but no Baby David either. No Nana of course, because she died in the last episode (although they could have done a flashback), but where were the neighbours Tom and Mary, and Cheryl. She was briefly mentioned as Twigy's ex-girlfriend, but not as a friend to Denise and as a neighbour to Jim and Barbara.

Also, as another poster has pointed out, Dave's dad was always referred to in contemptous terms by Jim as 'hopalong' because of his disability, and as a work-shy waster. But in this he seemed to be a completely different character who had full use of both his legs and had worked at an insurance company for thirty years. Like Mrs Mainwaring in Dad's Army and Mrs Daley in Minder, Dave's dad should never have been seen except in our minds. Tom Courtney should have played a different character, or if he had any sense, avoided this like the plague.

Then there were the so-called jokes. A turkey that won't defrost, they were doing that on On The Buses in 1971, strong punch (Man About The House 1974), a reclining sofa (Are You Being Served 1976). Need I go on. The Royle Family deserves better than that. Where was the clever banter, the funny comments, the sense of warmth? I can only surmise that this was ghost-written by someone who had never seen the show before. A wasted opportunity and an embarassment to all concerned.


I totally agree! I LOVE the royale family and I had been looking forward to seeing this episode but I mean... a turkey in the bath??? Fine, if there wasn't bubble bath in it and if Dave and co didn't get in with it that would have been fine. There was one moment where I laughed and it was near the start when denise said that the starter would be cup-asoup's lol but other than that I am very shocked at why the cast agreed to do it after seeing the script! I hope they spend alot of time writing a special for next year (but return to the living room and having it at real pace) so the series wont end on a bad note.


I was enjoying the first 15 minutes of the show because it just felt like it was the Royle Family, from then on the episode just went downhill. For instance the scene in which Barbra give Jim his present felt really scripted and the scene where Dave was trying to carve the turkey was simply out of place.

I was also dissapointed to see that they messed with the shows forumla once again, setting the episode in someone elses home and over different days just isn't Royle Family to me.

But I think the biggest let down came from Dave Senior, he was nothing more than a replacement to Nana, and an awful one at that, he was boring and simply not funny. I couldn't even watch the scene where he starts singing with the small guitar.

Overall I think the episode was average.


I agree with Impala226, David Senior had clearly been brought in as someone Jim could bounce off (like he did with Nana) however there was no real chemistry between the two characters.
Also, I can't understand why Jim always described David Senior as 'hop along lesley' yet he clearly has no problem with mobility. It was just crazy.
All the actors try too hard (Sue Johnson aside) and therefore the authenticity is lost. A real letdown and lets just hope this is the end for the Royle Family now. If they carry on making one-off episodes or a new series they will end up going down the 'Little Britain' root.


Also, I can't understand why Jim always described David Senior as 'hop along lesley' yet he clearly has no problem with mobility.

I agree. He was also compared to Ironside. It's a total betrayal of the show's history and I have no desire to see these characters if they're not the same ones the show itself described so many years ago.

"Just deal with your girlfriend's cheesy feet. She puts up with your cheesy face." - Jack Dee


I was very surprised that they did another Christmas special. I thought the last one was the end. I wish it had been.

The only part I found funny was Twiggy. When he arrived and it appeared he had been on holiday. I never saw the reality coming :)

I know Dave and Denise are not the brightest, but they were just downright stupid this time. Even the stupidest person in thw world if they were trying to defrost a turkey in the bath would not add bubble bath. I really did feel like turning off on so many occasions. Even Denise dropping the banana into the punch. Any normal (yet still possibly stupid) person would have placed it in. She just dropped it in and the punch splashed everywhere.

I learnt a new expression the other day from reading IMDB called "Jumping the shark". The Royle Family was always over the top, but they have by their own standards well and truly jumped the shark now.

Origin of the expression comes from "Happy Days" where in one episode Fonzie (totally out of character) jumps a shark while he is water skiing and from thereon the series really went down hill.


While I didn't find it quite as bad as some of you guys did, I wasn't particularly impressed either. It felt like a Royle Family parody hour.

I'm now sure the show would have been better off if it was left alone.

For the issues I had with the Queen of Sheba it at least acted as a decent closer. The ill-fitting rapid pacing (an hour that contained enough material to fill a whole series) didn't impress me but as a final show it had a "greatist hits" style quality that worked on its own. This doesn't even exist anymore.


the main problem withthe last 2 specials is that they dont have the realistic feel everyother episode had with felt like u were there watching these people.

but the specials have background music playing and skip forward to different times witch takes away the realistic feel,

in the new sofa dav and denise seem to become characatures of themselves, they were always a bit dim but this special made them seem completley stupid withthe defrosting of the trukey, the unwashed carrots, the ridiculus meal seemed too stupid even for them,

and daves dad as you say made it worse the character was funy but nothing like he was described

also having the viuewers see the roylas leave the house was another mistake
