MovieChat Forums > The Royle Family (1998) Discussion > ANTHONY'S BACK .....for five minutes

ANTHONY'S BACK .....for five minutes

WAS it realy worth it, this show is getting worse every special is worse than the last, the characters are just becoming comic versions of themselves


Exactly! There comic versions now, not the real people we could like and some-what relate to. This special was pretty crap, and just plain boring. "The Royle Family" died along time ago...

Pain and truth? I'm a fat fuqqin' crook from New Jersey!
- Tony Soprano


I was really enjoying it until they moved it out of the house. I loved the "Roast Chicken.. crisps" part! ha! But as soon as they moved it outside into the holiday and caravaning part, it just wasn't funny at all.


I must've seen a different show to everyone else on here. I thought this was one of the best Royle Family episodes of all time. Just downright hilarious from start to finish. Especially the Cluedo part hahahah. Man i was too busy laughing at that to appreciate the following ten minutes properly. Brilliant show; and only beaten by the episode where Nana and Twiggy came round for sunday lunch IMO.



Anthony, Cheryl, and Joe were better off sitting out most of this terrible episode. It was actually worse than the new sofa.

The show died with Nana in the Queen of Sheba. That was the last good Royle Family outing. The characters are comic versions of themselves now. Unreal, unfunny, and just plain silly.
