MovieChat Forums > The Royle Family (1998) Discussion > When did the Royle's all become mentally...

When did the Royle's all become mentally retarded?

I know Dave was always a drip, but in The Golden Egg Cup, they all seem to have reverted to a mental age of 8!

Those great early shows were never about a family of morons were they?
They were REAL people who did real stuff (i.e. Nothing.)

Now, 'The Royle Family' seems to have become just like 'My Family'...
Set up, Gag.
Set up, Gag.
Set up, Gag.

It's a shame.

Can't you read? It says SPOILERS!


Bad writing. These once great characters have all been reduced to caricatures of their former selves.



So what? You think that makes them immune to running out of ideas and turning in half assed scripts?



No, it was an observation that you don't seem to have given credence to judging by your flipant remark. I mean back up your comments or continue to be a lazy critic with no substance - your choice.

Your observation is baseless. The person who made this topic noticed how stupidly the characters were written in this episode. That was down to bad writing.

What more backing up do you want? Or are you seriously telling us that the writing of the characters in this was as good and of the same standard as the early series'?

Anyway do point us all to the scripts you've written then we can tell you how good they are.

What a ridiculously stupid thing to say. Do you have to be an actor to criticize an actor's performance in a movie, too? Do you have to be a special fx wizard to criticize special fx in a movie?

Of course not. Just like you don't have to be a writer to criticize bad writing.



My "observation" was about your inane comment, not regarding how some critic considers the special to be badly written

My comment is not inane. The fact that the characters all came off as retarded is down to bad writing. Simple as that.

Backing up? I don't need any thanks I was stating my opionion like you, although I provide evidence as well - try it sometime.

Hahahahahaha!!!! Evidence? What evidence did you provide? A bunch of childish insults is not evidence, kiddo.

Stupid? No, again it's a way for someone to back up their opinion with substance - something you don't seem to posses.

I possess it. You're crying foul because I called you on your irrelevant remark that the writers who wrote the early series turned in a bad script here.

I understand you're feeling sore because I pwned you. But don't try and sell the ludicrous idea that you have to be a writer or an actor etc to criticize such works.



"Anyway do point us all to the scripts you've written then we can tell you how good they are."

This is a ridiculous argument.

By your retarded logic... Since you've written no scripts, I guess your positive opinion of the episode doesn't matter.

