
I am under the impression that the entire family smokes because Antony has gone to the offie multiple times to buy them all cigs. BUT I don't think Ive ever seen Jim smoke a cigarette, granted ive only seen the first series (I live in the Philippines, so the RF is not exactly easy to come by.) and I was wondering if either he has smoked and i missed it, or he does in the later series, or if its just a running joke type thing?

any thoughts would be appreciated.

That is all.


Jim is not seen smoking, although cigarettes to him I can remember are only mentioned once. Maybe Ricky Tomlinson is a non smoker?
Sue Johnson was a recent non smoker when she took the part, I read somewhere that she smoked herbal cigarettes.


I believe Ricky Tomlinson is a non smoker. His character Jim Royle is a smoker but you do not see him smoke on air. You are to believe he does smoke because for his birthday, Mary from next door bought him a pack of ciggy's.


yeah denise and barbara are seen smoking regularly but never jim, although he is supposed to be a smoker.

this face, the infection which poisons our love


I always found it strange that he is a smoker apparently, yet we never see him smoking.

I am watching an episode now, the Wedding Day, " know me, I don't drink, just a sherry at Christmas and a stout at new Year..." Nana :)

