Why watch if it's so bad?

Why do people continue to watch this show if it's so bad? I mean, I'm a fan of the Royle's, and while The Golden Egg Cup was not a shining moment in Royle history I still enjoyed it.

But I wonder about people who post about how the show was dead after Queen Of Sheba, or even before that. If it was dead, why are you watching? And if the Royle's has become nothing more than a corpse to you, why are you here posting?

I know I'm going to get royally flamed (or Roylely, if you will) for this, but my question is sincere so maybe someone can post a proper explanation. Someone who fits the above description, that is. Not really interested on why someone thinks that kind of person still watches.


I watched it because I was hoping it would be on par with the first 3 series but it wasn't.


I watched because I remembered how badly the writers were railed last year (which I didn't see), and wondered if they had taken any notice. It appears they hadn't.

I then saw the 2008 Christmas Special on GOLD and found it on a par with the earlier series until they left the house... whereupon it just became a stagy farce, line after line of random wordplay, anecdotes and jokes that belong in a Bernard Manning stand-up routine from circa. 1971. Stuff like that made me forget how good the first half had been.


Because we are(were) fans of the Royles too you know, they've destroyed our favourite family, and we use message boards to tell others how we feel about it, that's why.

