MovieChat Forums > The Royle Family (1998) Discussion > What happened to Dave's dad's peg-leg?

What happened to Dave's dad's peg-leg?

I can't stand it when programmes know less about their own back-story than the fans do.

Over the years we've heard a lot about Dave's dad, mainly from Jim, complaining and moaning, and it's always been about how he's been on the disability benefit for years and has only one leg.
If I remember rightly Denise once said it was some kind of bone disease ("I know, it's called 'bone idleness'!") and he hadn't actually worked for about 10 years.

Therefore, it would have been great to finally see the weak, malingering man that we'd heard so much about... But when he did show up, it was a TOTALLY different character. What was it, 4 years in the RAF and 30 years in prudential or something?

Do you think that was a conscious decision, or have Craig Cash and Caroline Ahern just not been both bothered to watch the old eps?

'A big mouth don't make a big man.'


Honestly, I still don't have a clue what they were thinking with all the plotholes. Dave's dad was probably the most noticable, I just don't understand that. There was absolutely nothing about Dave's dad that was at all recognisable from the things we'd been told about him previously. It was total lunacy, and I hope if there is another special made, that the senior members of the Best family do not make a return.


The biggest plothole is that Series 1 and 2 were made within two years, but they actually take place five years apart. However, the TV shows they watch haven't changed within two years, so the five-year gap doesn't make sense.


Where is there anything to suggest they take place 5 years apart


I think in Series 2, Episode 1 or 2... Jim asks Denise & Dave how long it's been now, and Denise replies "5 years".


that's a bit broad that could be about anything though


I don't think it was set 5 years apart, the 5 years thing was when they went to those baby classes and they were asked how long they had been together and they said 5 years. That was going out, being engaged, getting married, and then being pregnant. Not 5 years since the wedding to be pregnant.


Yes that was it. It's just that I got the impression that they hadn't been together long before being married, because Dave still felt like a 'new' member of the household. But I hope you're right, otherwise.


I get the impression two/three years have passed between Series One and Two. In Series One Antony states "Dad, I'm Fifteen" and in Series Two he has his 18th Birthday.

The biggest leap in years must be Jim and Barbara's courtship/wedding. In Series One Barbara states 1963 when JFK was shot was "Before I met Jim" yet in "The Golden Eggcup they have been married FIFTY years (1959)


I think they were astonished they'd get someone of the caliber of Tom Courtenay and just ran with it, two legs and all. And he was so amazingly irritating and funny that I just dismissed the old "peg leg" stories Jim was so fond of telling.

"I didn't say that. The camera must have misheard me!"
