MovieChat Forums > The Royle Family (1998) Discussion > major inconsistancies in the the royle f...

major inconsistancies in the the royle family

jim and barbara celebrate there 50th anniversery in 2009 meaning they were married in 1959 yet in in series 1(1998) denise is said to be 26 meaning she was born in 1972 meaning that jim and barb were married for 13 years before having denise which seems really unlikely

it also means in 2009 jim has to be at least 68 - 71 (thats if he married barb when he was 18 - 21) yet he tells barb he cant be going abroad incase the social find out but if jim is over 65 he wont be on any jobseekers related benefits he would be on state pensions and thus he wouldnt have to explain anything to the dole

another incosistancy is that anthony is 15 in series 1 (98) yet in series 2(99) he is celebrating his 18th birthday even if he turned 16 inbetween the 2 series there still a year missing as we know series 2 is set a few months after the wedding in series 1

jim also states he and barbara have been marrie for 27 years in series 2(1998) yet in the golden egg cup (2009) they have been married for 50 years when it should be 38 years by that time

also in a new sofa dave introduces twiggy to his parents as if its the first time yet they all attended daves wedding and thus would already be aquainted, i know these are only nitpicks but it realy says something when fans know more than the writers


Who the hell cares.

The Simpsons:


That was what I always thought with Only Fools and Horses. In OFAH, Rodney and Del's age was all over the shop and the age difference between the two varied from 10-20. I forgave that because the characters remained consistent. The Royle Family can't even keep their characterisations consistent.

A few cold ones with the wife!!!


That age thing bugged me too. But then i got to watching the rest of that piece of tripe that was masquerading as The Royle Family and nothing seemed to matter really.

Often adressed as "Oh god no! Please stop, i dont want to die!!!!!!


We might have had our disagreements about the Golden Eggcup and other recent episodes, but I'm totally with you on this. I literally spat out my Fosters in 2009 when Barbara mentioned their Golden wedding and Jim kept saying "50 years eh!".

This is probably more preposterous than turtles falling out the sky in CSI, or evading a nuclear blast by hiding in a lead fridge. At least they have an off the scale ludicrous chance of actually happening, but no way in hell can Jim and Barbara have been married for 50 years. I was convinced it was going to be their silver when I heard about the storyline.


I was an avid fan of RF from the beginning, right up until QoS which I thought terrible once they changed the formula (soundtrack, time scale, characters parodies of themselves, complete overacting etc etc) though I did watch the episode where they took a caravan holiday which turned out to be another regretable affair. I certainly feel this comedy died years ago.

Anywho, I just read the previous posts and had to comment on the whole "50 year marriage" thing. In series one Anthony asks what Barbara was doing when Kennedy was shot (November 1963) and she says she was at the cinema with a boyfriend (Charlie Liddel or something I think, haven't seen the episode in an age) who Jim was jealous of. So clearly although she knew Jim she was most certainly not married to him, yet if they were celebrating 50 years in 2009 that would mean her and Jim had been married in 1959.

Sloppy writing.

What if everyone started telling the truth?


I thought the Queen of Sheba was the last great outing for the Royles. It was genuinely funny, had a lot of heart, and all the actors were still on top of their game.

The New Sofa is where the series fell apart. The show died with Nana in Queen of Sheba.


Not to mention the daughter is about 20 years to old to play her character.


20 years too old to play a character that watches TV? I don't get it.

A few cold ones with the wife!!!



Inconsistencies in later specials are just more evidence that they no longer care.

A few cold ones with the wife!!!
