that the specials were nothing like the original 3 series, surely she could see when filming the characters were like Characatures of themselves, dave and denise lost any intelligence they had and jim is always shouting and even talks differently like hes always on, trying for a laugh with every line. surely she notices it wasnt the same,
she usually takes real care with her tv shows and characters, i refuse to believe she was ignorant to this fact
I love this show (see my last post) but I am inclined to agree with you. Apart from The Queen of Sheba (which was fantastic) they should have left well enough alone. The characters just seemed forced and not themselves. I couldnt stand the xmas special at Dave and Denise's house. Yes it was a little funny but completley unbelievable. Although Denise and Dave werent the brightest sparks, the show still managed to maintain a sense of reality but the whole turkey thing was just stupid and unrealistic. Also Dave's parents were not at all how I envisigned them to be, espcially with the way Dave had always portrayed them. It appeared his dad was a miserable old sod who never left his house, but in the xmas special he was the life and soul of the party, not to mention they both seemed a little po faced and well to do to be Daves parents. The caravan holiday wasnt much better either. They should have left it alone IMHO.
"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"
I love this show (see my last post) but I am inclined to agree with you. Apart from The Queen of Sheba (which was fantastic) they should have left well enough alone. The characters just seemed forced and not themselves. I couldnt stand the xmas special at Dave and Denise's house. Yes it was a little funny but completley unbelievable. Although Denise and Dave werent the brightest sparks, the show still managed to maintain a sense of reality but the whole turkey thing was just stupid and unrealistic. Also Dave's parents were not at all how I envisigned them to be, espcially with the way Dave had always portrayed them. It appeared his dad was a miserable old sod who never left his house, but in the xmas special he was the life and soul of the party, not to mention they both seemed a little po faced and well to do to be Daves parents. The caravan holiday wasnt much better either. They should have left it alone IMHO.
I agree. The Queen of Sheba was brilliant, and the last good outing for the Royle Family. It should have ended there. The show died with Nana.
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They also overdid their 'poverty' in the Caravan episode, and the episode when Denise gets Barbara a magnet for Xmas. In the earlier series, the Royle family is working-class but not that poor.
I agree. There were some funny moments in the specials but, it just didn't feel right.
I liked the series because it was basically a normal day in the lives of a normal family. No stupid circumstances or forced humour for laughs like we got in the specials. The one where they go to Daves and Denises for christmas is pretty awful, just felt so unbelieavbly forced and over-the-top.
Actually felt more like an American sitcom than an intelligent, British show.
The Queen of Sheba was fantastic, but the rest have been awful. Forced and clutching at straw storylines. I wish they would leave it alone now. Its such a magical show and they've killed it.
"What, you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how could a billion Chinese people be wrong?"
I tend to ignore the last three bad spin offs and just enjoy the first three seasons of the show and The Queen of Sheba. That to me is when the show ended. The other spin offs may as well not exist for me. They don't add anything to the series unlike The Queen of Sheba.
I happened to catch last years episode again the other day and I just couldn't believe how terrible it had become. The only actor who has truly remembered how to play her part is Sue Johnston, the rest seem to be acting like OTT versions of their original screen personas. The scripts are also very cartoon like and the jokes are so over the top it's just ruined the original concept.
It's entirely born of the fact that when Caroline Aherne and Craig Cash started the show, they were still close to their working class origins and remembered everything exactly. They came back years later and were clearly now living the lives of millionaires and (as writers) had little to relate to the Royle's anymore. Therefore, they had lost the ability to write subtle humour and the whole thing stopped working.
I'd like to think it won't come back again. It's lost it's magic.
People must be watching different specials to me, the poor one was when they weren't in the royale house, all the rest were excellent but with a few cringe moments.
Only those with no valid argument pick holes in people's spelling and grammar.
I don't disagree that the writing wasn't as good, I think the pull to work together was strong and they were made because of a strong bond with one another as cast and crew. Maybe they should have written someone new but getting funding would be harder than a Christmas Special or two greenlit.