MovieChat Forums > Cinderella (1957) Discussion > Cinderella (1957) (TV)

Cinderella (1957) (TV)

I have a good copy of this movie for sale. Email me at [email protected] for details.


Do you still have it? What are you asking for it? I'm going to email you..


Go buy the DVD. It was just released this past Tuesday December 14, and has many extras.


So what happened to the original color version?


Although it was broadcast in color it was kinescoped in black and white. There was no video tape in those days so they would put a movie camera in front of a television monitor and film it and it was filmed in B&W so there is no color picture remaining-unfortunately.


in 1957! In fact, CBS is credited with being the first to use it for delayed broadcasts of the Douglas Edwards news show in 1956. The problem is it was not commonly used at the time and if it were used it was only for rebroadcast to the west coast and then the tape was re-used for other shows. A single tape cost about $300...thousands in today's money.

As far as color is concerned, the earliest existing color videotape of an entertainment show is thought to be An Evening With Fred Astaire from 1958. To put it in perspective, there were very few color TV sets in use in 1957. Sales began to pick up in the early 1960's but NBC did not begin 100% color broadcasting until late 1966 and it took several years for the other networks to catch up.

I don't think I want to go to the pictures. Oh?Why not? I've seen everthing worth seeing.
