I thought Mary had a dick

From the title, the picture in the poster, and knowing there were dick jokes and it's a Farrelly movie, in 98 I was expecting a big "funny" reveal like Ace Ventura.

After watching it, to this day, I still do not know what that something about her is, she seems quite boring and problematic, what is being hidden from us?
Although.....it is never clearly stated in the movie that she does NOT have a dick.
That is still probably it!


What's "about" her is that she's pretty, has a fabulous body, a good heart, and has a great if a bit quirky personality.

I didn't see any problem with so many men falling for her.


Her looks are above average but nothing to go stalking crazy about.
She has a good heart, but nothing to write home about.
Her personally is ok, nothing special.
All of the traits you listed are not something to set her apart of any group of good girls.

They keep repeating it but never show it.
She is a good girl no doubt, but has terrible taste in men and friends, and I really do not see something about her that is special. I stand by my original theory, Mary has a dick.


Mary has a dick.

LOL, well I can't argue with that!!!

But honestly, since Mary was written to have those qualities, we need an actress who can portray those qualities better than Diaz did. If it was your call (and you could afford her), what actress would you hire for that role, or would you go with an unknown?

EDIT: With regards to looks, I remember when my wife was in college she was good friends with another girl who was also majoring in special education, and my wife described her as gorgeous and a guy magnet. She also did some part time modeling. When I finally met her (and she ended up in our wedding 4 years later!), I was surprised to find that she was average looking at best (not as good looking as my wife IMO) but what she had was a supreme air of confidence about her and an outgoing personality. Guys were just flat out attracted to her which surprised me.


I don't know.
But Diaz is ok, especially if we consider how repulsive all these guys are.
They could not have a perfect girl cast with these losers. But I wish they explained what set her apart in the story, like you said maybe she was super fun or confident. Alas we see nothing of that in the movie.

Btw, my girlfriend was a model and still looks outstanding. She has a friend who still does modelling that she considers "really beautiful" (unlike herself).
Not only in reality my girl is way better looking than her friend; her friend is actually quite average, almost boring looking.
Women have a weird perception of themselves and of other women.



Of course you did. You are sick and twisted with no sense of right and wrong. Your sense of morality is far below that of normal folks. Were your parents criminals? Drug addicts? Are u adopted?


What does being adopted have to do with any of that? Do we need to invent a word for people who are fucking bigots against the adopted? Jesus, what a stupid fucking thing for you to say!


Chicks with dicks aren't special. But the psychologist did suggest Ted might be into that kind of thing.


After watching it, to this day, I still do not know what that something about her is, she seems quite boring and problematic, what is being hidden from us?

I always took it that this was kind of the point. She's a plain, ordinary, "everyday girl" but yet there's "something" about her that creates this heavy attraction.

The idea that there is "something" about her that is not identifiable and can't be put into words is why it's worded that way in the first place.

Although it may not be obvious to the viewer, it is implied that this something exists and we as viewers should just take it at face value for the sake of the story.


I agree with everything you stated.

And I still think that that something is a dick.


That would be something.


