MovieChat Forums > There's Something About Mary (1998) Discussion > The 'hair gel' scene makes no sense

The 'hair gel' scene makes no sense

Women are ALL about looks, because looks = social-sexual POWER over men.

The better a woman looks, the more men she can attract, which means the bigger the selection she can pick men from is. I say 'men', not 'a man' with full knowledge.

Now, women are also obsessed with hygiene usually, when they go out. They may be sloppy, lazy and disgusting pigs in their own apartment and public toilets, but they shower, shampoo, condition, rinse, fragranize (perfume and all that), shave their legs, armpits and maybe even upper lip and trim their .. well, you know how they are.

Then they put on make-up and choose a pair of shoes from their 20 000 pair-selection that matches with their carefully-chosen and preferably completely new dress that some man paid for, of course.

Now, considering all this, and knowing how much women use mirrors, look at their own faces and bodies utilizing ANY reflective-enough surface, and how obsessed they are about 'looking good' (women think about 'looking sexy' AT LEAST as many times per day as men think about sex), there's no way a young, semi-attractive woman like Mary would EVER just put gel in her hair and forget about it.

First of all, she would NOT leave the house unless she ALREADY has the 'perfect hair' (however you want to interpret this), so there's no way she would EDIT (best word in my opinion, so get used to it) her hair on-the-fly.

Second of all, there's NO way she would touch some disgusting-looking, smelly GOO that's just hanging from some guy's ear, even if it WAS hair gel. That's nasty.

Third, even if the two first points didn't apply, she would NEVER, ever do all this WITHOUT CHECKING how it looks. Women don't just randomly edit their appearance and NOT CHECK HOW IT LOOKS LIKE. That's not how anything works. Would you, even as a man? Would you comb your hair with some gel and NOT LOOK at all before an important date how it looks? Of course not.

Women are at least 10 000 times more vain when it comes to looks and especially hair (Spaceballs even makes fun of some 'spaceball' shooting a woman's hair, and that turns her into 'better than Rambo' (debatable as it is)).

When you put all this information together, this scene makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

I know, comedy and all, but come on. The 'joke' is so unrealistic, it's not funny. You should have SOME kind of realism to your jokes, even if it's of the SUR kind. This joke is just stupid and childish, it would and could NEVER happen in real life, and when something is TOO far out of the realm of possibilities, it's not funny anymore.

Then again, a woman like that would ALSO never fall for any of the guys trying to impress her, because it's not about her values or what she likes, it's what MAKES HER (AARRGGH) TINGLE!

Why 'aarrggh'? Think of Benny Hill's grunts and groans when he sees something 'too enticing to handle it gracefully'.

This is a pretty horrible movie anyway, especially since Cameron Diaz, as 'mediocre-pretty' as she is in this movie (she should've at least kept the long hair, why do women always cut their hair and think it doesn't matter?), she has no 'female charisma' to put it into other words. Some women have it, others do not.

This movie's story (and title) would have specifically required someone with actual screen presence and female charisma (hard thing to explain, but you can fall for her just because she 'radiates something' - Leo women often have this kind of radiation).

A man that's 'available for her', does not create tingles. It's the 'man that doesn't care about her' that creates the 'Great Flood Between the Big Toes' - the man with options, the man who doesn't have to care, the man she can look UP to. These are all basically simps who simp for her and would do anything to get her.

Women want to look up to a man, because a higher-status man is what creates the tingles. An outlaw biker, CEO, useless celebrity, alpha male, PUA, or any other HIGH-status male means automatic coochy excitement. Low-status males, that kneel before her, ready to do her bidding, are men she can only look DOWN to, because they're putting themselves below her, at her mercy. That doesn't create the tingles.

In any case, I don't know which makes less sense - that Mary would ever consider any of these guys for anything other than friend zone at ANY point in this movie, or that a woman takes some unspecified goo from someone's ear, thinks its hair gel, puts it on her hair and NEVER checks how it looks from a mirror (let alone CONSTANTLY - even selfies are sometimes just an excuse for a woman to 'look into a mirror' and check how she looks).


When you put all this information together, this scene makes ABSOLUTELY no sense.

I admittedly didn't read much of your "information" but will ask this: the hair gel scene makes ABSOLUTELY no sense to you but you're OK with Ted somehow getting the "beans above the frank" in the zipper calamity scene?

This film was written as a comedy and a farce meant to be a mindless diversion. Films like this don't stand up to logical scrutiny and are written simply to be funny (for those who can identify humor) and as such will present bizarre - over the top situations, like the drugged out dog that Ted manages to resuscitate with an AC lamp cord.


You wrote all that over, "There's Something About Mary?"


Yes he did.


Amazed that someone took that much time for one scene in a movie.


You want to be truly amazed? Take a look at his posting history. This dude apparently has all the time in the world to not only watch movies over & over, but also the time to post multiple multi-paragraph diatribes about why this or that scene in this or that movie doesn't make any sense!!


I'd rather watch movies than talk about them that much. So little time, so many movies to watch.


Yes, as a documentary about young women's grooming habits, this movie fails. However, as a silly comedy, it succeeds quite well.


