'I work with retards'

The absolutely funniest line in the movie for me. I mean, Matt Dillon was hysterical thoughout but that line, with its terrible political incorrectness, big ugly teeth and ridiculous smile, had me crying the first time I saw the movie. So many other great scenes and lines.

What's your favorite Pat a Mook's scene?


I know someone who does and she says she works with retards too. Its not really un PC but for some reason people decided it was. Stupid.


Yeah that's stupid. However it is PC to use the term Mental Retardation, weird.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


I told my sales team that often.


Nice! Me too.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt becomes the next Batman


"Looks like I double jumped you for the win Warren. Pay up, big guy."

*Warren gets money out of pocket and gives it to Pat*

"Where's the rest of it, Warren?"



That one is hilarious too.

My other favorite line of his is "Who? Rollerpig???"

Kevin Spacey IS Keyser Söze



Haha I know right. He was perfect for the role.

Kevin Spacey IS Keyser Söze


Concur. It was the funniest line. The word retard is universally accepted as a cruel epithet, and Pat feigns charatibility by using the word, being too insensitive to know that the word is not supposed to be household. What is also ironic is that when one calls someone a "retard", he uses it as a noun when it fact it is a verb; to slow. So when Pat so confidently uses the word retard to impress Mary, he demonstrates his own social retardation. One might say he bacame hoisted on his own retard.

He didn't get out of the cock-a-doody car!!!


Lol you hit the nail completely.

Kevin Spacey IS Keyser Söze



Mary did use the term "politically incorrect", but the term was in its infancy in 1998. No way would he be able to say "retard" in a movie today (2023), or even 10 years ago.
