I finally saw this movie for the first time, and yet...
I feel like I have seen it before.
Robin Williams plays a clownish character that upsets the old humorless jerks who try to use the system to keep him down. Wasn't that Good Morning Vietnam?
His character is the only one who has any true appreciation of poetry. In the end a bunch of kids ban together and show their support of him. Dead Poets Society.
He communicates with mentally disturbed charcaters that noone else can reach. Fisher King.
He rebuilds a trashed house. The World According to Garp.
At the end of the movie, he gives a speech to a high profile group declaring his desire to be a doctor. Bicentenial Man.
He stands at the edge of a cliff, wondering if he should jump off of it. Perchance to Dream.
He makes friends with someone who was an outcast, but, later his friend becomes a murderer. Again, Good Morning Vietnam.
He gets a cute girl to fall in love with him by perpetually badgering her with his off the wall sense of humor. Mork and Mindy.
I had deja vu throughout the whole movie.
A dope trailer is no place for a kitty.