Please tell me I'm not the only one who LOVES this movie!
I think I understand the criticism against Patch Adams: overtly-sentimental, and the like. But I don't see it like that at all!
The movie I see is about a troubled man who found a calling, and tried to help people around him see things his way. Being a doctor (according to Patch in the film) isn't just about physically healing, it's about spiritually healing. And that isn't possible if a doctor isn't willing to be a friend, as well as physician, to a patient.
Another thread on this board suggests that Robin Williams' portrayal of Patch is (among many adjectives) a "jerk" and "obnoxious". I respectfully disagree; Mr. Williams portrayed Mr. Adams as someone with a decidedly unusual enthusiasm for instilling laughter in others, but only because he saw that it helped spark something in them. Furthermore, he wanted his fellow physicians to "lighten up" and see that their approach (purely clinical, where the doctor is above the patient) was misguided.
I openly welcome thoughts (for or against) my position!