Would Like to Buy!

I taped over my copy of Under Wraps and would like to get a copy. Anyone have one out there? It is a family favorite!
Debbie Applegate


it would be very hard to find on dvd/vhs.im 13 and im a boy.its a very good movie.i love it


Did you ever find a copy? I have been looking, and assume it wasn't released on VHS? My kids loved it when it was on the Disney Channel the other night. I wish I had known; I would've taped it!


I have been searching since last year for the movie on dvd. I don't think it was ever released. I have been watching for the movie to be on Disney. I keep searching at the bottom of the tv listings on "My Yahoo" I'm sure they will run it again before Halloween. You can search by the name of the show and search for the next 14 days at a time.


i went to blockbuster the other day and they said that it was released on vhs but not dvd.they said theres not many copys of it cuz the company had problems and they were loosing money.they siad that u can go to a blockbuster store,family vedio,hollywood vedio or any vedio store and order it.thats what i might do.


HI, I too , have been looking all over for this movie. I taped over it by accident and my 3 yr old asks me all the time to watch it. I want to get a copy of it. I called Blockbuster and other video places but they all said they had no record of it in their computer. Are you sure you can order it? I was hoping it would be on again..


It's going to be on Halloween night on Disney. Get your tape ready.
