Movie Suggestions

I'm a student filmmaker, and I am wanting to get some inspiration for a quirky comedy movie that I plan to make. I'm looking for films that are similar in plot and style to films like Harold and Maude, The Graduate, and Rushmore. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you!


I would look up the rest of Wes Anderson's work (link- He has a unique style in all his films which might be what you're looking for. (he did rushmore).

Last seen films:

Rushmore. 8.5/10
Flight. 10/10
The Experiment (2010). 8.5/10




Dutch with Ed O'Neil (Al Bundy). Dutch goes and picks up his girlfriend's spoiled little hellion from a boarding school. Man, that kid was a jerk, but he comes around.

Another one I saw around this time was Men At Work with Charlie Sheen and his brother Emilio. That one is kind of quirky.

"today i swear i'm not doing anything"
