MovieChat Forums > Figure It Out (1997) Discussion > Can Anyone Help With An Episode?

Can Anyone Help With An Episode?

On Saturday, It's Wednesday now bytheway, at about 11 I think their was an episode of Figure It Out Family Style with the family from the Adventures Of Pete and Pete. I slept over a friends house that night so I only got to see the ending with Hardy Rawls' (who plays the dad) face. Does anyone know when that episode is airing again or where I can see the whole thing. The cast included Danny Tamberelli, who played Little Pete, Hardy Rawls & Judy Grafe, the parents, and Mike Maronna, Big Pete.

Any Help is GREATLY appreciated.


It's so funny because I've seriously been Tivoing the show every day straight for about 3 months now JUST to see that episode and it finally came on on saturday!! i was so excited. Anyway, as you would probably assume, I had searched time and time again for it online but with no luck. I really don't know when its coming on again, but if you want i could tell you about some of the highlights from the episode.


haha yeah, that would be great. I'd love to hear them.


-The two secret slime actions were "Never having been slimed before" and "Being a Wrigley"
-When speaking to each of the cast members Summer referred to them as mom, dad, big pete, and little pete, to which danny tamberelli gave Summer a DEATH was really funny
-Danny wore "THE hat" the entire episode
-Michael C. Marona was funny, and asked a lot of silly questions like "does what you do cause plaque and/or gingivitis?"

hmmm...if i think of more ill post them
