The Matt kid..

He's really annoying. He tries too hard to be funny and keeps going on and on.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


Same with Max. I was impressed with Lulu. Victoria reminds me of a dumb, pretty girl in class. Noah Munick is the most underrated male on figure it out.

Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch. -Stewart Gilligan Griffin


I was surprised at how stoic Noah was considering Gibby... but alas, Gibby is just a character.

Why exactly is he underrated though? Did he bring something special that I missed?


theinformation - Ok. He just annoyed me, I don't even remember how he guessed.

holgraphicbanana- I wasn't paying that much attention to Noah. But he seems quietish, different from Gibby.

Matt just reminds me of people that try to be funny. I can't stand forced laughter.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


Yes Lulu seemed cool. Victoria seems nice lol.

Max seemed hyper.

"Live Today Like You'll Die Tomorrow"


I find Matt amusing, though some of it does seem a little forced.



I know what you mean! And, I think the host was getting a little annoyed with him too cause he wouldn't sit down sooner...when the slime came down he got up out of his seat and said "I'm not sitting there!" (or something like that). Ya, he's really annoying and like you said, he tries too hard to be funny.
