MovieChat Forums > Figure It Out (1997) Discussion > Jennette not wanting to get slimed

Jennette not wanting to get slimed

I just saw the one where the asian kids were dancers and jenette went out of her way to not open the clue box, stand out of her chair half the time, all so she wouldnt be slimed.

i mean, you do know your on a show where you will be slimed eventually right?

just sit in your seat and take it like a champ, you are getting paid for this.

idk, it just came off very weird, the host had to tell her to open her clue box and had to walk her to her seat so she could get slimed.


Daniella Monet did the same thing.....You do know that is mostly likely staged right?


Very stupid of staged. It makes her look bad. I think it was just her.


Didn't change my opinion of her.


Oh well. I'm voicing my opinion


I doubt that it is staged to that extent. She might just be one of those people who are scared of EVERYTHING! I have a friend who will only watch chick flicks and disney movies because she is afraid of just about every movie. She is also afraid of loud noises, most neighborhoods, and stickers (not lying). Jennette just reminds me of one of those types of people.


Your friend actually sounds kinda cool. (I am really weird and shouldn't think that as almost nothing scares me)


Well if she is one of those people, and even if she's not get her off the show, she contributes NOTHING to the program, she has stupid guesses and can't even concentrate for 2 seconds cause she is deathly afraid of everything, hell there was an episode where the clue coaster came down at a speed of 3 miles per hour and she just started screaming like a murderer was in her house. She's a perfect example of a pretty face that adds nothing more then a pretty face, broom her fast.


I find it funny how she is afraid of everything. I do admit in the last episode she wasn't the best in her last episode with her being deathly afraid of anything but I found it hilarious when Jeff sat her down and she was slimed.
