MovieChat Forums > Figure It Out (1997) Discussion > Is it me or some kids are just.....

Is it me or some kids are just.....

more hyper or unruly?? They put their feet up and act all smug. One girl keeps jumping up and down and I feel she is gonna break the chair. Its a high chair and it could fall.


No it isn't just you. Alot of the kids have been real smart alecs too.


That's kids now. And that hyper Blonde girl was cute, had a lot of energy.


Most of the kids seem stoic and a little camera shy, but yeah, I've noticed the handful of the smart-alecky ones.


I think kids are continually having a hard time learning how to conduct themselves properly. There's a major difference, even between now and the mid 90s, in that field. There is a continually decreasing amount of proper adult role models at home and in school who can properly guide them in these areas and so kids struggle more when it comes to conducting themselves in public.


I don't mind the girl getting excited, they are there to have fun. But sometimes they do come off as rude.
