MovieChat Forums > Figure It Out (1997) Discussion > the prizes were pointless

the prizes were pointless

some of the prizes were extremely cheap...the jeep radio, and the figure it out clothes....and they were totally unfair..some kids got the jeep radios, while others got nintendo 64 which was a new system at the time...and the same show some girl got a snowboard with gear while the other boy just got all that small prop


lol. I'd just be happy I even got to be on the show, but ok.......

Everyone needs love


lol. I though the audience prizes were awful. Who in the world would wear a Figure it Out FISHERMAN HAT? ahahha. Not me. One time a 5 year old won a ginourmous adult sweatshirt, the small would even be too big for the little guy!


My nephew was watching an episode with me and after a moment of pondering he said "That's all they give away - tents and pieces of set."

But to be fair as the show went on they stopped with the pieces of set and started giving away foot locker gift certifcates, color gameboys and huffy bikes those were pretty nice.


i just love when they give out Figure it Out stools

RIP Eddie Guerrero
Viva La Raza


LOL, I know what you mean! The audience memebers would win Figure It Out Clothes or sometimes they'd win a $100 Toys R Us Gift Certificate. I'd be really mad if I won a sweatshirt instead of the gift certificate!



I loved how they would give away trips to Vermont. What the hell kind of vacation is that?


You could visit Howard Dean lol



I would like to know why the Secret Slime Action prize changed from something nice, like a mountain bike or a Nintendo 64, to one those supersized Figure it Out sweatshirts or atrocious-looking fisherman's hats. I'm guessing they just had to make it a gag segment.

They see me mowin' my front lawn...


I loved it when they gave out the vacations to florida, while the contestants were obviously already taking a vacation to florida haha. Seriously though some of the prizes were how some people got vacations to Jamacia, nintendo 64s, $500 to toys r us, mountain bikes etc. while others got a giant qtip from all that and a fisherman's hat.


I thought the same thing. the first kid might win the Vermont trip and the next kid might win the trip to Jamaica.
typically, the cruddy prizes were usually the first ones and the better ones were the second round ones.

orders,warnings,lunatic demands are regular occurances


Some of those prizes were pretty dumb.The stupid backpack/messenger bag,the figure it out sweatshirt "that can fit your whole family" that they would give away to audience members.They could at least change up the prizes for the audience members.Give them the same prize the contestant won.

One kid would get a bike and another would get a stupid camera.I wouldn't want a camera if I was a kid.Or one kid would get a basketball hoop game thingy(I don't know what those are called) and the other kid would get footlocker dollars.At least give them the Jeffrey dollars.

One kid would win a grand prize to space camp or somewhere exotic while another grand prize was to Orlando(in which they already were) or some lame looking ranch.


It's so funny to look back on stuff you watched as a kid and realize how incredibly lame it was! As an adult you notice things that as a kid fly right over your head.


I always thought the prizes were lame lol
