MovieChat Forums > Figure It Out (1997) Discussion > so what do you think of the new ones?

so what do you think of the new ones?

i like them


I like it too. My only problem is that the original had All That cast members as their panel, and they were a lot funnier at jokes then the current Nickelodeon cast members. I mean think Hollywood Squares.

I also get the sense that the new members don't guess as seriously, like they guess stupid because "Ho ho ho the show is stupid" or something.

Other than that there isn't too much different that they could do to jump the shark in the sense, I mean I like that they kept the same noise for the secret slime action, I don't know how I feel about the contestants getting slimed or when they single out a panel member like "There's a q in their name" type thing.

That one girl looked p*ssed when she got slimed.

Haley Reinhart: Listen Up! May 22nd


I'm with Maserati7777, I do like them (which is surprising considering I'm a bit cynical) but a problem I'm having with it is when the panel members guess ridiculous answers just to be the cool hip fun guy, like it will go

Panelist #1 - Are you a champion? (a great question)
Contestant - No
Panelist #2 - Did you invent something (another great question)
Contestant - No
Panelist #3 - Are you a kung foo fighting space ninja yeah! (just shut up)

And I also agree a bit with the secret slime action being at times WAY to easy like "being on the panel", I understand it's cause they want kids in the audience to win a prize but it just takes something away. Some are great and clever like
- Getting the judges to answer a question
- Shrugging your shoulders
- Looking down

At the end of the day though I still enjoy the show, not as polished as I want it to be, and the celebrities are for today's generation nickelodeon (the one that sucks) but I still can watch it without hating it which is all I ask.


not as polished as I want it to be

Can you expand on that? Like... would you want more rules for panelists asking questions and kids submitting secret slime actions?

lol, I think get what you mean but this makes it sound like you want it to be less candid and more... "rehearsed" so to speak. I like it that celebs do their own style with humor. Some is stupid, some is funny, some is focused.


No I like that it's candid, the one thing I hate the most is phony planned out "fake reality" shows, it's that sometimes the panelist act like they are a character they're not as if it's a rehearsed show. Like you can tell when the panelists are trying to be something there not when they ask questions like "Are you...a crime solving magician yeah!" when they say that I just feel they don't have something clever to say so they think if I just say something ludicrous I'll be the whacky question guy which isn't who they are so I don't like it. And they can be funny without it, one episode had a panelist ask I think "Do you change into something" and the host said "She's not a shape shifter" that was funny to me cause it had to do with the clue and it was just a funny response without it being over the top.

And as far as it not being polished as I want it to be all that means is if I had it my way I'd only make like 2-3 tweaks that, while the show would pretty much be the same, I'd just enjoy it more like
- Billy the Answer Head
- No 100% guaranteed slime action, but a clever way that most likely will happen and if it doesn't the host tricks the panelists into doing it

But hey this is just my opinion, if you enjoy the show that's all that matters


Ah. Hmmm I guess you're just not into some of the panelist's personalities. Understandable. I'll admit, some of them drive me nuts at times too (but moreso because they waste too much time with ummms and not paying attention!!) I'd rather them be somewhat goofy with the occasional llama and ninja remarks than too serious, though. A nice balance is most likable of course :)

I don't care if they bring back Billy the Answer Head specifically .. but I do find the current board kind of confusing (if that's what you're hinting at)

I thought of a few secret slime actions! What do you think?
-talking out of turn
-guessing the word of honor
-showing fear at a sound effect (idk how to word it...but sometimes when it's clue time, or buzzer time, panelists freak out)
-not asking a yes or no question

Your opinion's cool, I'm just discussing for fun. That's why we're all here.


You're right on me not being too wild about some of the panelists personalities, and I do agree that when they just go "uhhhh ummm do you...uhhh...pass" it's annoying as well, I mean pay attention people it's not an exam for god's sake.

And I don't mind a little goofiness I would just like it to be somewhat related to the clues they have, example was when someone made money doing something so one of the clues was a bunch of fake dollar bills so one of them asked "Are you a counter fitter?" That is silly but it relates to a clue they got. I think it was the first episode where the first question asked was "Are you a hamster"
Those are the questions that bother me cause why ask that? It's as if he just said it to say it and be the whacky guy which you don't need to do that.

And at the end of the day I'm not too beat up by not having Billy the answer head there, really I'd only have it for nostalgic purposes, but I completely agree that the new board can be confusing about which order is which sometimes.

And yes those are good secret slime actions, clever and while they aren't 100% guaranteed they will happen you'd still bet money that they would, and if it looks like they won't the host can trick the panelists which is funny, here's a few others for fun
- Having 2 or more yes answers in a row
- (if the clue is food) eating the clue
- if you say ummmm

Your opinion is swell to good sir, and I thank you for discussing rather then just throw expletives my way.


I can't remember if it's the first time panelists that waste the time with the ummming, but it'll probably get better.

I'm not sure if this is my bias speaking because I am a pretty big Big Time Rush fan, but I thought the Big Time Rush boys delivered a great episode on Monday. An ideal balance of goofy and seriousness (even with irrelevant questions). What do you think?

And yes those are good secret slime actions, clever and while they aren't 100% guaranteed they will happen you'd still bet money that they would, and if it looks like they won't the host can trick the panelists which is funny, here's a few others for fun
- Having 2 or more yes answers in a row
- (if the clue is food) eating the clue
- if you say ummmm

Yep! We're pretty good at secret slime actions haha. Too bad we're probably at least double the age of most of the secret slime action selectors in the audience so far.

Your opinion is swell to good sir, and I thank you for discussing rather then just throw expletives my way.

I'm female :)
And no prob. I see no point in getting nasty over such trivial matters (which seems to be so common on the internet).


Although I myself am not a fan of Big Time Rush (I don't despise them or anything, I just don't or never have listened to them) I actually really did enjoy Monday's episode, it was a good mix of not too silly with them legitimately making good educated guesses. Something I am noticing, which I don't mind, is when panelists pretend to be stumped because they either
A - Want the contestant to win another prize
B - Want to stretch the show out so it fills the proper time

But again I don't mind that they do it cause it's understandable, the show probably want's the contestants to always win round 2 at least and the panelists don't lose anything so let the kids win.

And yes were are quite a team, and I don't know if I should be saddened or not of how true of us being twice the age of any kid in the audience :P

And a Female you say? Well forgive me madam for assuming otherwise and yes getting nasty over trivial stuff is silly as long as people are willing to talk it out, when you just troll and go out of your way to be a jerk...well lets just say I wish terrible things on these wastes of humans.


I think the thing the show needs is that solid panelist who is there multiple times, in the original it was Danny Tamborelli or Lori Beth Denberg and they always sat in the same seat. I'd like to see more older cast members on it who missed out the first time, like cast members from Drake and Josh or iCarly. Maybe even some guest stars.

One thing I noticed was in one episode the panelists were on final guess and they only needed one more word, I hadn't seen the secret before the show but based on the clues and the way it was worded I was yelling at the contestants the correct answer and they were guessing really stupid things. Like not even trying, in fact they were saying words not even on the board. I was like you're not even trying.

In another episode Cymphonique asked the same exact question asked by the girl sitting next to hear shortly before, it was the confetti question. And I doubt she couldn't hear her as Jeff and the contestant answered the question previously and they're on the other side of the room.

But there was another episode where the last guy asked if they did it quickly and the answer was yes, the charade guys came out and ran around. And on final guess Cymphonique said fast and it was right so I guess she kind of restored my faith slightly in the cast members asking it seriously.

I mean are they told to get it right or wrong in order for the contestant to win big or not win big? Sometimes it feels like it.

Also in the episode with the dancing girls, was there a secret slime word because I don't remember them saying it, it seems like it would have been dangerous to slime them since they were going to be dancing in clog tap shoes.

Haley Reinhart: Listen Up! May 22nd


I like them too. The panelists joke around a lot, but I think they are supposed to.


I think it just comes down to the fact that, not all of the panelists are good at live TV. As somebody already said earlier, the all that kids back in the day were good at it because its basically what they did on the show. For example, Ariana grande. I think shes adorable, but shes just not good for the show. She literaly was scared to get slimed. The panelists back in the day loved to get slimed and did flinch every time the alarm went off.

But it just goes back to alot of the new panelists just not being capable of being funny and silly, but not pandering. Also they need to work out the kinks on the contestants. Have harder stuff, but not super hard. I was watching the jumprope ep and it was a tad too hard. Ex i think every1 got the jump rope part of it, but unless you know the sport; i dont know who wouldve guessed "single rope"


I am actually surprised I never saw the original show (and I am definitely old enough).

When I first watched it I was like aww Nick is doing "I've Got a Secret" for kids never realizing it was a remake of something they already did.

But I think it's a cute show. The panel varies but the talents so far for the kids have been really need & creative. I especially like the one about the girl making maple syrup.



I just caught my first episode of the new version this morning, but I was surprised how much I liked it! I remember watching the older episodes when I was young and have been saying for a while they should replay those old episodes. But I did enjoy the new one from what I saw, it seemed like everything was pretty much the same other than that the kid with the talent can get slimed now (although I missed why she did). My only problem with it, and it's a small one, is that the big head is gone! :P


It's pretty cool. I like that Nick is finally starting to realize there is nostalgia for their old stuff. I miss the face board thing though, they only show it on the intro.


i know the face board with the spinning eye


I like that slime can come at them 2 different directions: from above and right at face. Now you cant really avoid slime.


Old version was 100 times better. Everything on nickelodeon is so cheesy now.

Old nick>>>>>>>


Actually I caught a couple of the old episodes the other day on the 90s are All That and I have to say there's almost no difference other than the sets and a couple of the new rules. The kids with the talent are still super awkward sitting there answering yes or no, the stars guessing still just throw out stupid answers or stupid questions if they can't think of anything, they're still thawing slime into the crowd behind them, the host still makes jabs at the stars, the stars still play with the clues rather than thinking of actual questions. It's, for all intensive purposes, the exact same which I'm sure is why I still love watching the new ones even though I have no idea who 90% of the nick stars are :p

