hey i was just wondering if anyone has ever found any of the songs from this movie, i have Baby Lied that one is easy to get but the rest i can't find anywhere!
if anyone has them please share! i'm sure many more fans would love to have the songs too :)
"I Like It! It's a Statement!" - Trash, Return Of The Living Dead
i have found several of the songs from this movie.
"treat me" by Paul Simpson Connection is pretty easy to find. that's the song at "Tracy Park" when the firecracker goes off. the version in the movie is actually a combination of "treat me" and "treat her sweeter" by PSC, i think
"baby lied" and "the choice you made" by Rick Bowles are also easy to find...but if you want the complete versions "Steven" plays in the movie...good luck. all that can be done is rip them from the movie to an MP3 with the breaks in the songs. unless you know clyde hayes (stephen)...he probably has original recordings somewhere.
I am still looking for the song when stephen is walking his dog on his break from work at the deli. when the punks give the finger, and the van pulls up.
the score by kendall schmidt, i believe, was done very well for the purpose it served. it captured the essence of that time period in horror movie making.