this movie...

is terrific. Lee's sense of humor, plus the chaos that is exhibited during the new year's eve weekend makes it an awesome film. I related to this movie because to me, I view it as a memory, or a crazy story that you'd hear from someone. I can just picture a close friend saying "...and then, her SISTER made a move on me!" or something like that in a story. I like how it's 11 years old too; it brings me back. I also pick up on how close this was to Christopher Scott Cherot's heart. That's apparent throughout the film. Futhermore, I like the tiny sense of obscurity to the film. CSC never really made it to superstardom, this movie is just a cult classic that not many know exists or many know ABOUT. All we can do is speculate. It feels more real that way.

We can rip off my mom's MasterCard again!


I fully agree with what you're saying. When I was younger I didn't have much interest in this film. But now that I am closer to the age of the characters I can really connect to the film. I guess it helps now that Lee reminds me of someone I used to know, in little ways. The Lee character gives me more tolerance and understanding (though I haven't seen him in years) for this type of personality, or maybe it's the other way around. Anyway, I've just seen it all the way through recently and I really enjoyed most of it. I finally "got it!"

There is no "i" in tiem...oh wait.
