did it hold the test of time?

is it really a great series? i never got to watch it as a kid, because my parents were hippies, but i always wanted to, because my friends were excited by it.

watching it now as an adult, it seems rather bland. the world and the background isnt really explained, its just skeletor vs he-man for no obvious reason, at least in the first season.

im not sure its a series id recommend watching with my children. id rather watch the smurfs or duck tales lol


Probably doesn't hold the nostalgia for you, as you never watched it as a kid. And it's obviously very dated

Saying that, when I've watched it as an adult, I've quite enjoyed it. I did watch a few episodes of Thundercats as an adult, and found myself thinking; "I preferred He-Man."



yeah, obviously. but it became so successful i kinda expected more.

after watching some episodes, it certainly has a charme and the 2002 heman gives a backstory to the plot.
i guess a 5yr old doesnt need that to enjoy the show.
