I think the movie is great. But I'm an adult.
stupid adult.
Yes, there are moments of violence and crude humor, the answer to that, there isn't one and you can't hide your kids from it forever.
So do you think someone should beat their kids and tell them black jokes because you can't hide them from crude humour and violence forever? If not, why is this any different?
Appearances shouldn't matter,
So it has an unrealistic message as well. Appearances are always going to matter--we're going to prefer people with clean teeth over those with yellow ones, we're going to prefer the well-dressed over the people with ripped clothes, and we're going to prefer the people who shave and brush their hair over people who don't.
...dont judge people before you get to know them...
I'll be sure to pass that one around to all the people who hate Hitler and Stalin.
...and what you are looking for doesn't always come the way you thought it would.
And that's mostly reflective of people failing to do the research behind it before doing it.