MovieChat Forums > Outside Providence (1999) Discussion > LOVED seeing ol' Foxboro Stadium again ....

LOVED seeing ol' Foxboro Stadium again ...GO Pats!

Man I probably went to about 25 or 30 games at that old bird and prayed for the day they would bury it. Now that it's been gone for six or so years ...I'm beginning to miss all the old times watching my beloved New England Patriots barely just get by in that dump. I however, don't miss those insane lines to use the john though.

On another note ...The look of New England in the 70's was hit dead-on by the Farrelly Bros.
Brought back a lot of hazy memories.

'I love the smell of napalm in the morning'



Now go take your meds, poor little whipped puppy dog.

I'll see you when I get back from vacation.

If you're vengeance-crazed enough to still be posting here, that is.


It was a dump but even I have some fond memories of Foxboro stadium (and I am only twenty). I am from providence and probably make it to about 5 or 6 pats home games a season and It's nice being able to watch the pats beat down the jets in september without your ass freezing to a metal bench.


I never made it up to a game at old Foxboro but I freaked out when I saw Jackie's t-shirt and flag. GO PATS!!!!


Yeah...GO PATS! o, wait...didn't you guys get trounced in the superbowl by an ENORMOUS underdog? what a shame...but hey, i'm from philly, and i love to see an upset! F@ck THEY'RE 'PERFECT SEASON'...they don't deserve it anyhow what with the whole 'spygate' thing. and speaking of spygate, AS a philly eagles fan, i can't help but wonder (and neither can my whole town, for that matter) if spygate played any part in the PATS 3 point win over the EAGLES in the superbowl...hmmmm....

but, even with all the $hit-talking, i gotta say, you guys got a hell of a team up there...the PATS last season? at points, it was like something magical was taking place. respect.


Thanks for that respectful/disrespectful message.


I remember the old Foxboro and I'm only fifteen. Never went to any Pats games, but I went to my first concert there when I was in third grade. Man, were those metal bleachers cold lol.
