pot cookies??

wonder why they didnt have a scene with people getting stoned from those cookies athe indian student made.


he was making pot brownies, not cookies. I'm sure they were delicious


No, they were not brownies. They were cookies. The kid made the comment that he came to Home Ec today because he heard they were making "chocolate chip cookies" and then he pulled out his stash to add to the mix.


and then he said "yeah, but i'm making brownies". He was gonna make pot brownies.


yea man i just watched it tonight and he said he was makin brownies


you can have pot cookies

"i dont patronize bunny rabbits"


I make pot brownies, pot cookies, and pot funfetti cakes all the time! YEEEAAAAAh



I made pot brownies once but I forgot to clean the weed first. The brownies had stems and seeds in them. Hah-hah! I used like an ounce too.


A friend of mine had some banana bread with some green in there...awesome stuff.


DAMN! That sounds great!


Years ago my best friend and I tried to make peanut butter cookies with pot in them, wasted a dime bag on those things, they were gross and did not work. All in all, good times. It's funny, but the times I spent as a "stoner" were the best times in my life. My life is a wreck now, perhaps I should start smokin' again. LOL


the trick is to use an herb grinder and turn your pot into keef before cooking it into the butter


You screwed up royally by stop smoking. Find a connect, bong, and lighter and make things right in your life again.


Great advice
