vitamin q???

okay can someone PLEASE help me settle a debate i'm having with my boyfriend...

so at the party with dunph's school friends in pawtucket, drugs delaney gives irving/jizz a pill after he smokes the harsh weed and says that it's vitamin q and it'll relax his throat.

since we saw this movie a while ago my boyfriend will not concede that he was giving him quaalude, but isn't that obvious? first of all, why else would they pick "q" of all the letters (especially in the 70's when quaaludes were a big deal), and second of all, quaaludes WOULD relax your throat (aren't they crazy muscle relaxers?).

someone please let me know if i have actually been wrong the whole time... i don't remember off the top of my head what he thinks was handed over but i know he is very confident that it is NOT a quaalude.


It was definitely a quaalude.


Yep, name on the pill "Rorer 714"


You are correct. Time for your BF to pay up.


Frankly, I think it is funny that anybody would think of anything BUT a 'lude. I mean how many other WORDS start with a q, let alone recreational drugs that were popular with stoners in the 70s. Do NOT let your bf get away with this one. LOL.


Just out of curiosity, what's the boyfriends input on the mysterious vitamin Q? I would say that unless he can come up with a better answer, he has to concede.

By the way, it's definitely Quaalude.


haha, we just saw this again and he still seems skeptical. i honestly don't know what he thinks it is, probably some kind of xanax or something, but as i mentioned originally WHY would they name it vitamin Q if it starts with anything other than Q?

it's okay, i still love him :)


Yes it was a lude for sure. It's just too bad that were banded by the FDA, they were awesome. I believe they were intended to be muscle relaxers for folk that were obese. I'm pretty sure xanax wasn't around back then.


Definitely 'ludes. And they WERE awesome. I didn't like to drink really, and only did hard drugs and psychedelics for a short period of my life. I mostly just liked weed, but quaaludes made me feel like dancing and dancing for hours. I heard it called vitamin Q many times.
(I don't regret any of it---there, I said it!) The music was fantastic, too, in those days, of course.

This movie and Dazed and Confused were pretty right on in a lot of ways for the 70's. I was barely a teen but remember it all well!


Definitely a qualude. I grew up in the 70's and it actually was called "Vitamin Q" often.
Your BF needs a kick in the ass ... or maybe some vitamin Q ...


Of course it's a quaalude! Is your boyfriend brain damaged? WTF???

Let's see if I've got this right. In the movie, it's a party at someone's house in the 70s, and some guy everyone calls "Drugs" hands naive Irving a pill and says it's "Vitamin Q." WHAT ELSE COULD IT BE??? The line about it being good for his throat is a lie, just to get him to take it and get him messed up. Irving is very new to the drug game and has no idea what is going on. You see later how messed up he is when he stands in front of the dartboard.

Sorry, I'm sure your boyfriend has redeeming qualities, but he is pretty slow on this one! I sure hope you settled this long ago.


I'm revisiting this after like three years and have gotten such a kick out of everyone's responses (and of course all of you, just like myself, are correct that this was about Quaaludes - seriously, what else would it be?).

I still don't know what on earth he thought they were referring to but I remember last time we watched Outside Providence he at least conceded that I was right, so there's that.

And luckily he isn't brain damaged, haha, although I suspect that he's had a bit too much Vitamin M, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin LSD in his life so let's just chalk it up to that. ;-)

Thank you all for the input! :)


Definitely a quaalude, but quaaludes weren't muscle relaxers - they were tranquilizers.
