Funniest Line

What was you favorite funny line from this hilarious film?

"Remember what I said: Making sex is like your Chinese dinner--it ain't over until you both get your cookies. Remember I said that."

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"


"Why don't you play us a few notes there satchmo"

If Jack Bauer and Michael Scott had a baby it would be Dwight Schrute


dude, there were so many to choose from. i LOVED drugs's letter, the whole thing, like the "mustve nodded off there." lol.
**add me or tell me what you think**


YES! "Cornhole Academy really sucks the big one, etc." Having the Dean read it made it a million times funnier!


"YOU'RE gonna throw---the fuqqin' DAAHRT!"


"Here take one of these...Vitamin Q--relaxes the throat"


"Whoooaaa, fuqqing God, man--he's alllllriiight!"

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"


"FUNKADELIC!" --(Jackie yells it as Jizz yaks on Dunph)


"You're holdin' trump again you cocksuqqa!" --(Old man Dumphy playing cards)

"So now it's my fault!" --(Joey ((Geo. Wendt's)) reply)


"Mental floss!" (spaghetti kid in dining hall)

"Stick with me baby, and you'll be fartin' thru silk!"


Yeah, the letter from Drugs is classic.

Gotta love the 'Mousy stinkfingered Bunny Cody' line the best, though.



Old Man Dunphy:
"Shut up, you little hard-on. You're just jealous cause you aint gonna be the first Dunphy to go to college."


Yeah, but Jackie's comeback is even better: "Yeah, but I'll be the first one to graduate." Zing!


"One day we were playing touch football and he fell off the roof."

Hilarious....only in the 70's

"The future's uncertain and the end is always near"


There were so many it is hard to choose just one. But the scene where the head master is reading Drug's Delaney's letter is the best. The guy playing the head master is perfect in that scene--


Dunphy tells his Dad when they are at the bar toward the end, "Don't call me dildo in public!"


That's a good one too! I loved this movie--the scene where the dad is showing him how to tie a tie is precious...


I don't think I had ever watched this movie until Saturday night. I swear I owned it on VHS, that makes me feel old, but I never watched it. Perhaps someone gave it to me, regardless, it was OnDeman through my cable company, and now I love it, it's a great movie.



Ah yes, that is classic. "I stinkfingered Bunny Cotey" and "laughed like a bastard" That principal was hilarious. "Cocked in Rhode Island"



The whole movie entertains me. I'm glad I decided to watch it, it's going to be one of my rainy day movies for years to come.


This exchange cracked me up:

Dad: What are you two knuckleheads up to?
Tim: Going out.
Dad: What you gonna do?
Tim: Hang around.
Old Man Dunphy: When you gonna come back?
Tim: Later.
Dad: Now, was that so hard?

Might as well have let him leave without saying anything - but this is much funnier. I about fell out of my chair. I'm still laughing ...


The scenes with Pop and his buddies giving Dildo and his pals a hard time were best. Loved it when Caveech told Mousy that only homosexuals had beards. When Mousy mentioned Lincoln, Caveech just says "Lincoln? Queer as they come!"

Favorite line is Pop's though: "What bug? Who ya buggin'? Now drag yer pimply ass in here and say hi to the guys. Show some class, fer Christ's sake!"


I like all the quick little misuses of words throughout the movie, like saying ‘savior’ instead of ‘savor’. I’m sure I missed almost as many as I caught.


Lots of funny lines, my fave is where Tim tells that douche teacher/counselor or whatever the hell he was, to just "Shut the *beep* up." Lol!

"The battle for the soul is fought in the forum of art."
