compared to the real andy....
i applaude jim carrey. he had the balls to take on a role not many could perform and he knew he could do it. I'm glad he won the globe but if not the actual oscar then at least a nomination.
If you go to youtube and watch some videos of kaufman in his prime (his many appearances on letterman, his stand up, and the saturday night live performances) you will see that he had it pretty much dead on. Aside from the voice and his weight, carrey nailed this role. And considering his performance in ace ventura, this one reminds me of another comedian put in a dramatic role (ugh, ugh...robin williams in GWH).
And anyone wondering if kaufman was an *beep* in real life, think about this: Andy wasn't trying to make people laugh; He simply liked messing with people and controling them. he is quoted saying something very close to this in the new york times.
There will never be another comic like kaufman, but i guess for now we'll settle for dane cook, who is hilarious but no kaufman.
why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty's fly?