Randall Carver

Can anyone tell me exactly where Randall Carver was in this movie? Judging by his place in the credits, which it says are listed in order of appearance, it looks like he should be in the first 'Taxi' scene (the montage of Latka's bits), but I haven't been able to spot him. Any insight?

Rice is good if you're hungry and you want 2000 of something


Well, I don't believe the credits are in order of appearance like it stated. It has Carol Kane listed much earlier than she appeared and I did not see anywhere were Judd Hirsh was listed. Maybe scenes were dropped and/or moved around during editing. The only place I think I saw Randall Carver was the final Taxi scene of the montage... where they are wrapping filming and thanking the audience. It looks like he was standing behind Carol King for a couple seconds but I can't make him out for sure.

MovieStar 411
