Taxi cast-minus De Vito?

I feel like the filmmakers either should have had other actors portray the Taxi cast OR have De Vito play himself. The fact that the real Taxi cast was there but De Vito was in the movie as someone else was terribly distracting. Really odd. I know that Danza wasn't there, but that didn't seem like a brainf#%k to me-he could have been in his dressing room or something-but the De Vito thing was just weird.

And Letterman's scene was a drag. You make $14 million a year already-sit in a make up chair for a couple hours you big baby!


Is it really that big of a deal. I dont think so.


I have to agree that it was a little distracting. If they really had no one else to play George but DeVito, then they shouldn't have shown the rest of TAXI cast later in the film, because DeVito was such an integral part of the cast.


It didn't distract me. Then again, I've only seen Taxi in re-runs and I was only 6 years old when it ended. I thought was gonna be annoying but the Taxi scenes were a small portion of the movie anyway.


There are a handful of little things like that throughout the movie. I.e. the real Bob Zmuda playing the NBC exec. For me, it seemed to add to the just slightly off vibe of the whole movie, and really made me feel at home with it. The first time I watched it(not knowing much about his life), I felt like a child again. I cried like a baby, and it felt good. Thanks for the touch of spice in my otherwise tough life, Andy. You were and are a good man.

Nozz-a-la! the Drink of finer bumhugs everywhere!



ITA. Andy was "off," his work was "off," so having some parts of the movie being "off" probably would have made him thrilled. All together, it worked for some reason. Great flick.

"I cry because others are stupid and it makes me sad."
