Psychic surgery

Is it right for me to assume that the laughter during the psychic surgery scene is to imply that Kaufman knew it was fake because he saw the chicken liver in the person's hand? If that is true, then that's just horrible. Psychic surgery is such a scam, I wish there was something we could do about it.


i think he was laughing through the pain, in some countries they open you up with their bare hands and dig around your insides (i saw a documentary yay me). they dont really clean themselves, or anything. he was probably getting the spiritual cleansing surgery

i know that when i'm in pain i laugh just to take my mind off of it, but to have surgery without any anesthetic (pardon me if i misspelled) i just couldnt imagine that


I think he was laughing when he realized it was a scam. Andy made a handsome living fooling people, and here, in his final days, he sees that the last joke is ironically on him. In a sick way, he kind of "appreciated" the humor in the situation. That was how I interpreted the scene, anyway.



I agree completely.


That's an interesting way to interpret that scene. I honestly never gave much thought to it. I thought it was just Andy being odd, or laughing because he thought he was cured. lol

But maybe the filmmakers decided to write it that way, so that some people WOULD interpret the scene the way you guys did.

However, in real life? I'm not so sure. It's open to speculation. Because there is interview footage of Bob Zmuda saying that when he witnessed the "surgery," he knew it was a trick... not necessarily because he saw the chicken parts, but because he is trained as a magician and knew their hand tricks. He said that he told Lynne in private that it was fake, and then said to her "Should we tell him?"

They opted not to tell Andy because it was his last hope. That was wise, I think. Because the majority of the fight is mental attitude.


I thought it was pretty obvious... the guy dips his hands in red water, covers the piece of meat in it, dries off his hands, and pulls it through his hand from the other side. Andy found the humor in what he felt was a giant practical joke.


Also, the power of belief cannot be underestimated.

If Kaufman was truly into transcendental meditation and holistic therapies to such an extent as the movie implies, then he would have appreciated that intent is more important than actuality...that seems to be the credo he lived and "died" by, so whether a "healer" can heal or not is ultimately irrelevant.


Exactly. He was laughing because his sense of humor found that to be extremely amusing.


I feel that's how I would have reacted if I realized it was fake. Before I saw it as him being odd but then I rewatched and just thought it sad.


I agree...and I got it right-away...and yet they still cut to a commercial between those scenes on the TV version I just watched.


i appologize for my previous statement i just watched it again and there wasnt a scratch on him he saw liver in his hands... yep the joke was all on him... thats brutal




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