Terrible casting as Andy
I hate that Jim Carrey bought this role, and I am tired of people thinking he did a brilliant job. I don't think Kaufman himself would have liked his portrayal much; overtly theatrical caricature acting at best. The true essence of Andy was lost in translation, and made him come across as creepy in real life, which he wasn't, as well as creepy in character with darting eyes and wild gestures. Andy played his roles with natural ease, and I'm not sure where Carrey's primitive mannerisms were even derived from if he truly studied the man he was playing. Just watch clips of the real Andy on You Tube(so many added since the release of this film) and then watch Carrey's audition. A true fan of Kaufman can easily see the errors. Norton would have been better, hell even Nicholas Cage. If they had held off on production for a few years, Ryan Gosling would have been superb as well and may have gotten his long deserved Oscar finally. I always thought there was a little bit of Andy in his "Lars and The Real Girl" character.