Terrible casting as Andy

I hate that Jim Carrey bought this role, and I am tired of people thinking he did a brilliant job. I don't think Kaufman himself would have liked his portrayal much; overtly theatrical caricature acting at best. The true essence of Andy was lost in translation, and made him come across as creepy in real life, which he wasn't, as well as creepy in character with darting eyes and wild gestures. Andy played his roles with natural ease, and I'm not sure where Carrey's primitive mannerisms were even derived from if he truly studied the man he was playing. Just watch clips of the real Andy on You Tube(so many added since the release of this film) and then watch Carrey's audition. A true fan of Kaufman can easily see the errors. Norton would have been better, hell even Nicholas Cage. If they had held off on production for a few years, Ryan Gosling would have been superb as well and may have gotten his long deserved Oscar finally. I always thought there was a little bit of Andy in his "Lars and The Real Girl" character.


Agreed. He's just terrible. And knowing what Andy was really like makes it worse but it's not the only reason. Carrey is fake. There's only a few movies where he wasn't and that sadly isn't one.

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


I agree with you. Jim Carrey didn't dissapear into the role of Andy. He looks like Jim Carrey and he is to over the top with his facial expressions.

I was at my computer the other day and I was looking over at my tv, not really paying attention, and I saw Jim Carrey talking to someone. It took me a few moments to realize it was Man on the Moon that I was watching.

Andy was heavier in the face than Jim, and you are spot on with his eye movements too.

I don't know what actor would have been better, but in my opinion in this case going with a lesser known actor or maybe someone new would have been the way to go.

I remember enjoying the movie when I saw it opening weekend back in 99, but now it's hard to watch because Carrey gets on my nerves in it. While trying to portray Kauffman he is still too Carry-ish.


Jim didn't buy the role, he worked for it. The man was a deep admirer of Andy and he really wanted this role. He also showed a pretty impressive amount of restraint playing Andy; when's the last time you can remember Jim Carrey allowing an awkward silence in a movie?


LMAO@ Nicholas Cage playing Andy Kaufman. Edward Norton might have been able to pull it off, I dunno. He's kind of a little guy. And so serious about his craft.

But I think Jim Carrey did very well. He has the natural physical resemblance and a similar brooding hatred for his audience beneath the comedy as Kaufman did.

If you think Jim Carrey is just a simple, funny clown, you are missing a lot.


Also, Carrey did this before YouTube was around. This came out in 1999, remember? Youtube didn't start until years later. Lars and The Real Girl hadn't been made yet, either.


I think Andy would've wanted someone who looks nothing like him whatsoever to play him, like Samuel L. Jackson or Antonio Banderas


Funny the Taxi cast all felt like he was Andy. Wah Wah, Oh Screw you. Haters hate.


Haha, yeah I guess they would know better. I have to admit though, seeing real footage of Andy...It might've been his larger eyes and overall more child-like face that I thought the real Andy didn't appear as strange as Jim's portrayal. That being said I thought Jim really changed himself and made a great performance...Just didn't come off that same way.


yeah, its a very fine line but a very important one. one of the most remarkable things about andy kaufman was how he managed to do what he did and NOT appear like a creep (even when defending his decision to wrestle women instead of men, for example). carrey's kaufman IS creepy, and hence not especially likeable. by the lawler stuff hes almost repulsive


Good point. I made another post already that the movie made Andy almost scaringly-bizarre when he actually seemed endearing in real life. In fact he reminds me a little of Gene Wilder. I'm not saying he looks like Gene Wilder or acts like him, but to me had a similar type of look as Gene if that makes sense.


I don't know, when I was a kid I thought the real Andy came across as a creep and jerk with the women's wrestling thing (before I knew it was fake). I thought Carrey did a good job.
