MovieChat Forums > Man on the Moon (1999) Discussion > Did anyone switch off at the start?

Did anyone switch off at the start?

I didn't, but did the start throw anyone?



You'd have to be legally brain-dead to think a feature film was made only 90 seconds long.

I am Jack's IMDb post.


Sorry, I phrased that quite poorly- I meant, did anyone think they had skipped to the end of the DVD or something like that?


Not me.


Yeah, that was a confusing first post...But no, it didn't think a had skipped to the end. It was quite obviously a lead in, character building scene.

grrr arg h4x0r 7Eh pl4NE7


You mean there IS more to the movie?!?! I thought it was a fantastic film apart from being FAAAR too short! I can't believe I got SUCKERED!!! OH ANDY!!!

"You might know who we are, but we know who you are."


I almost shut it off, out of respect for Andy's wishes. But I just couldn't. I had to wait.


Considering it was a film about Andy, I knew it the movie was just trying to troll me.


I bet you thought the Monty Python Holy Grail movie was really about a dentist.

orders,warnings,lunatic demands are regular occurances



When I saw it in theaters, after the 'credits' rolled and Carey walked off, someone very loudly said, "What the f---k is this sh-t?"

When Carey walked back onscreen, I almost laughed harder at that than anything else in the movie


that must've been funny as hell. Although I didn't like man on the moon a lot, watching it in the movies must've been quite an experience.


yup that right....if only i had originally seen the movie in a theater and the screen went dead for 30 sec would have been just pure awesome..wd hv certainly got the crowd all talking and all...and i can certainly imagine the stage being set perfectly for just about the best possible homage being paid out to the true entertainer that he was....Andy Kaufman....


Oh man, could you imagine? The movie should've actually gone to black for like a minute. I bet it was supposed to but the studio vetoed it.

"Narcolepsy is a horrible superpower!"


I was watching it on my laptop and it certainly got me :D!


I thought the same thing. I thought it should have been no less than a minute, and at most like 5. But I'm sure they said no to that. I feel like people would wait for a while, not believing it was over, but given enough time, people would probably leave all angry. Hence the veto.


I remember when it came out years ago, I was living with my aunt and her family. She came home one day having bought a crappy cam VCD (took me a while to remember what we used before DVD's)off some street vendor in Manila. It was not unusual back then when buying bundled VCD's for one or two not to work right and when the end credits started to play that's exactly what we thought. There was a lot of yelling from my uncle and my cousin giving out instructions, "you put in the wrong disc", "check the vcd minutes", "rewind it" etc... After the end credits had rolled, during the 20 seconds or so interval before the movie actually started, there was a bit of confusion, and I ended up fast forwarding it a bit to see if there was actually anything else on the disc.

For some reason we didn't watch it that night, after about 20 minutes we ended up watching godzilla or something, but I ended up watching it on my own a few days later. Great film.



Bland136, I understand your question. We watched this streaming from Netflix. We thought maybe something was messed up on the feed.
Good movie. Watching Jim Carey in the lead was just like seeing Andy.


One thing I've managed to ascertain from this thread.
there are a lot of really stupid people around.

And so, God came forth and proclaimed widescreen is the best.
Sony 16:9
