Absolute Genius!
Admittedly, it took me forever to watch this film. As a Jim Carrey fan, I was hesitant, because of all the bad reviews right out of the gate. Also, knowing ahead of time that it wasn't a simple comedy, I just didn't care to see it. Man, was that a mistake! We all know Jim can do near-slapstick like almost no other seasoned comedian, but man, can this guy act! Yes, yes, I know... I saw The Truman Show, and I loved that one, but I just didn't think it would translate to this type of film. Jim Carrey has quickly moved from just being one of my all time favorite comedic actors, to being one of my all time favorite actors in general. I cannot stress enough how amazing this performance was. And this comes from someone who wasn't a fan of Andy Kaufman, and detested his lifestyle off the screen. But I still knew of him, and his sense of humor or quirkiness if you will. Jim Carrey nails it!
I will never again doubt his ability to act in any situation.
Thank you Jim!
Signed, Me.