Kaufman was an overrated self indulgent creep
I have worked in sketch comedy for 20 years and do not profess to have kaufman's vocal talent or occasional burst of originality. The Latka characterization was funny so was his Mighty Mouse sketch which I saw live- But the reality is he was only one more egotistcal "performance artist" more interested in mocking an audience than actually deigning to entertain them. I saw the FRIDAY sequence live in college and it was the most painful, embarrasing and UNFUNNY moment I have seen live or on TV.
Like most of his work it was a delusional self indulgent exercise that amounted to Intellectual mastubation.
Dying is easy Comedy is hard. As Olivier Said " the highest form of drama"
requiring hard work and discipline
To truly look for innovation and *beep* funny comic performers check out
Bill Cosby
Steve Martin
Mort Sahl
Eddie Murphy
Bob Hope among others
Then try to imagine any of them sinking into the self-indulgent mire that Kaufman did