MovieChat Forums > Abre los ojos (1997) Discussion > Original Spanish Line Required! Please H...

Original Spanish Line Required! Please Help!

"I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats." Was that said in the Original Spanish in this film as in Vanilla Sky? Can someone spell it out for me? Some phonetic help would be good, as, although a polyglot, I find the Hispanics are my weakness, pronunciation-wise.

Thanks in advance.



Too bad... so bad...

"Can you give me a couple minutes more? I haven't created the Earth yet..."


I watched Abre los ojos two days ago and I can't remember anyone saying it.

In Spanish it would be: "Te lo diré en la otra vida, cuando seamos gatos", but I'm afraid I can't really phonetically transcribe it, sorry.


That line is not in the original, way superior, version. It was introduced to add some salt to the cheese. (BTW: The new ending ruined the remake for me.. I think it was sooooo cheesy).



This is a bit late, but the speech about cats is not in the original. Instead they say this (according to the English translation):

Cesar: Who are you?
Sofia: I don't know.

This is more profound than that speech about cats. If we believe Cesar's dreams reflects his psyche, this simple exchange may tells us that he really doesn't know himself by the end of the film. It is as if he looks in an mirror and asks himself that question. His reflection answers.

SIDE NOTE This brief conservation contextualizes the end of the film. We often say that truth will set us free. For Cesar, knowing the truth about himself may allow him to free himself (awake) from his nightmare. But Cesar doesn't know himself. As such, his "leap of faith" at end of the film may be a transition to another dream. This seems evidenced by the female voice echoing the line repeated several times at the beginning of the film: abre los ojos (open your eyes). He didn't actually awake when he heard this line before. We can assume he doesn't awake when he hears it at the end of the film.

Beauty may be only skin deep, but arrogance and stupidity go down to the bone.


well, as I understand it, he leaps off the building to force himself out of his induced dream state of mind to wake up in the future by a nurse to reality and maybe then mend his face again as suggests the french businessman.


I believe the line "I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats." is an homage to another line in the original film: "“Odio los gatos. Son casi tan falsos como las actrices” ("I hate cats. They are almost as false as actresses.").
