Open ending??????

Hi everybody!

Do you really think there is such a thing as an open ending in this film? I mean, Amenabar plays with different ways of understanding "Abre los Ojos", but I really think the ending is perfectly clear. Don't you agree?


Yeah I think its pretty clear, but at the same time it can easily opened for suggestion. It really depends on who is watching it to tell ya the truth.


No there is no open ending. It was made perfectly clear by the director what happens at the very end. Period.


Maybe not so perfectly clear as it may seem. It could be another "Groundhog Dog" for César, as the final words of the film are the same as the ones in the opening.


Well, the end suggests César waking up from his 'living dream' state of mind to real life by a nurse in the future. The opening is just a self recording for the alarm clock.


So is it a coincidence its the same words? That threw me off too, it was all straightforward up to the abre los ojos line


Coz lifes too short to listen to Madlib
