6/10: One of few movies to be beaten by the remake
In contradiction to what most reviews say I would recommend people to watch the remake first, for those who like movies enough then watch the original at a later date (disregard this comment if you are Spanish and it'll most likely be smoother when the dialogue seems more natural, as someone who neither has english nor spanish as first language).
This led up to Vanilla Sky which is one of few remakes that really is significantly better (Cinematography, sound, acting, plotline...), however without this movie that wouldn't have been.
The topic is not an original one and had in 1997 allready been touched on and between 1995-2000 there has been several movies with similar scenarios in different contexts (VR, dreams, heaven...). When it comes down to how it compares it simply doesn't pack the same punch as Vanilla Sky does thanks to gfx, sound, acting and other tweaks.
Somewhat original script
Unoirignal twist
Too low high's to make a better impact of the movie.
Dialogue (overall) is slow and as with French and Spanish movies it is hard to retain as much as you want because of the nonedirect way the language is used.
Ignorance is only a bliss if you haven't reached awareness.
My imdb posts are getting altered.